

Set width for input-group-addon

The following code shows how to set width for input-group-addon. Example. <!DOCTYPE ...

Input group

Easily extend form controls by adding text, buttons, or button groups on either side of textual inputs, custom selects, and custom file inputs.

Input group · Bootstrap v5.0

Easily extend form controls by adding text, buttons, or button groups on either side of textual inputs, custom selects, and custom file inputs.


Gutter width, 30px (15px on each side of a column). Nestable, Yes. Column ordering ... input-group input.input-md.form-control type=date min=#180.days.ago ...

Bootstrap Input group width

Responsive Input group width built with Bootstrap 5. To change the width of the inputs use bootstrap sizing utilities or bootstrap grid system.

Bootstrap 4 set a width of input

2018年3月17日 — To set the width of the input-group-text , just change the value of the flex of the input-group , for instance, as seen above 30% of the total ...


2019年2月14日 — You can add a column width class to your inputs. For instance, <input type=text class=col-4>.

Bootstrap 4 input

A form layout with input groups that have the same width on the prepend left side. Codeply example.

Bootstrap Input Sizing

The following examples shows input elements with different widths using different .col-xs-* classes: Example. <div class=form-group row> <div class=col-xs ...